12 reports were presented to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

20 CSOs, which came together after the UN Child Rights Committee’s call to shape Turkey’s fourth/fifth combined periodic report, presented a total of 12 reports to the Committee.

Guiding Documents on Human Rights Monitoring

Etkiniz started to publish guiding documents on human rights monitoring.

What rights violations do individuals with albinism face?

The Albinism Association published its report titled “Violations of Rights Faced by Individuals with Albinism” with the support of Etkiniz.

Etkiniz supported outputs in the field of monitoring women’s rights

As Etkiniz, we have supported dozens of CSOs in their women’s rights monitoring and advocacy activities since July 2019.

10 Resources to Inspire Your Women’s Rights Monitoring

As Etkiniz, we have prepared a mini-guide titled “10 Sources to Inspire Your Women’s Rights Monitoring Work” for CSOs working in the field of women’s rights monitoring and advocacy.

Human Rights and Elections Translated to Turkish by ESHID

Translation of Human Rights and Elections: A Handbook on International Human Rights Standards on Elections has been made by the Monitoring Equal Rights Association with the support of Etkiniz. 

CİSST translated four reports describing annual penalty statistics into Turkish

The Civil Society Association in the Penal Execution System (CISST) translated four reports titled “Space” into Turkish with the support of Etkiniz.